While we realize not all of you can deliver online classes, especially our gymnastics and swim clients, for those of you that can deliver some classes online, these tips we’ve gathered may help!
Sign up for a free video sharing service
Many of the major online learning services are offering free accounts during the Coronavirus crisis. We have talked with several clients implementing Zoom.us, WebEx, or Join.me, among others, at their businesses.

A longtime client, Amy Forde of Let’s Dance in Mauldin South Carolina, shared with us some specifics about how to do this from your home to your students’ homes.
“We purchased a couple of inexpensive TV screens and have each connected to a computer at my dance studio using an HDMI cable in each of their classrooms,” she explained.
“From the classrooms, each teacher is able to connect up with students in their homes via video share. This makes it possible for each student to see their teacher, and for the teacher to see each student. By dragging all the student’s video windows to the large TV screen connected to the computer, the instructor can still see well enough via the relatively smaller video feeds from the students .
While Amy acknowledged that it took some fiddling with the software and some long support calls (the providers are swamped), “I was able to get this up and running in a relatively short time, and this whole online class process has succeeded in keeping our dance studio’s students on their regular class schedules.”
Amy also wish to clarify this: “I am one of the most technically challenged people you’ll ever meet, so if I can get this working you can too!”
Amy also recommended joining discussions on Facebook chat groups or other forums as there are a growing number of topics discussing online training.
Have you been able to continue with classes at your school by using YouTube videos or creating video shared screen events like this? How well has it worked for you? Did you learn anything in the process of getting started that helped you, and could help other class-based business owners
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