ClassJuggler News — January 2022

Wishing You a Happy New Year!

2021 leaves us with much hope for a more prosperous future. Throughout this past year our clients have reopened their businesses or will be reopening soon. Life is returning to "normal."

ClassJuggler will continue to offer our award-winning customer support, product improvements, and new features throughout this new year to do our part to help your businesses grow. — Cheers!

A New Year = A New Tax Season

Get ready for your business taxes by using our financial reports to get all the information you need. ClassJuggler is loaded with reports for just about every aspect of your business.

Four of the most important reports for your monthly bookkeeping and tax preparation are the Customer Payments, Customer Applied Payments, Company Billing, and Deposit Summary financial reports. Here's how:

  1. Customer Payments – [CASH accounting] This report can show you all of the income you are receiving daily, weekly, monthly, or for any period of time you choose. The report totals payments in a variety of ways, as you choose, to make reconciliation and deposit reporting simple.
  2. Customer Applied Payments – [CASH accounting] This special report links payments received to the charges they were applied to, and can tell you exactly how much was earned by a particular charge account or by account category. It will only show applied amounts, so, if a customer has a credit balance remaining, those amounts will not yet be factored in.
  3. Company Billing – [ACCRUAL accounting] This report does exactly what its name suggests, which is to provide you with a list of charges you have posted in a particular period of time. Since this is only showing what you have posted in charges, and not what has been paid or not paid by your customers, this is the go-to report for businesses that use accrual-based accounting for their bookkeeping.
  4. Deposit Summary – [CASH accounting] This is the go-to report for daily and monthly reconciliation of your deposited payments (cash, checks, and credit cards) with your bank account and your merchant services.

You'll find these reports under the section "Financial Reports" from your Reports main menu:

For even more information on these reports and examples for running them, please refer to the Online Help Manual foud in the green Help & Links Menu at the bottom-left of every screen in ClassJuggler.

Need to Void a Same-Day Credit Card Payment?

While you may think you need to "refund" a payment recorded today by you or a customer, you actually need to void the pending payment. Why is that? Well, since all payments you or your customers make throughout a day are kept in pending status until they automatically batch out at midnight, they cannot be refunded to a customer, since they technically don't yet exist (have not been captured and paid).

Today in ClassJuggler, this would require two steps: (1) you would need to log into your Authorize.Net gateway and void the pending payment before it batches out, and then (2) void the corresponding payment in ClassJuggler.

In the next release of ClassJuggler, version 7.5.2, you'll see a new button, Void Pending Transaction, on the payment detail window allowing you to void pending payments directly in ClassJuggler, taking care of boths steps in a single click. Awesome, fast, and can be done in seconds instead of minutes!

New Years Eve Joke Corner

  • Not to brag, but I already have a date for New Year's Eve. It's December 31st. But my date is soon a has-been.
  • My New Year's resolution is to stop procrastinating. But I'll wait until tomorrow to start.
  • What's the problem with jogging on New Year's Eve? You might spill your drink!
  • What is a New Year's resolution? Something that goes in one year and out the other.
  • I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year... but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.
  • At the beginning of this year I made a New Year's resolution to lose 10 pounds... Only 15 more to go!
From Good Housekeeping magazine

Watch and Learn

If you prefer learning by watching video tutorials, rather than reading how to do something new in ClassJuggler, we encourage you to keep an eye on our growing collection of tutorial videos in the ClassJuggler Tutorial Videos section of our YouTube channel.

To make sure you don't miss any new videos, just click the SUBSCRIBE button on YouTube to be notified of the latest tutorial videos.

Also, watch for our upcoming webinar schedule featured right here in our monthly newsletter.

And as always, don't hesitate to reach out with your questions...

We really want to know if you have any suggestions for how ClassJuggler can help your businesses continue to operate as efficiently as possible during the pandemic. Please reach out to us via email or a phone call to (866) 214-6128 if you can think of anything that would make an impact on helping your business. We will continue to maintain normal support hours for all clients throughout the pandemic!

FREE Webinar Training Series

ClassJuggler offers free online classes and video training to its clients and demo users.

Our live webinar schedule for January is:

  • Friday, Jan 21, 1pm ET (10am PT)
    Voiding a Same-Day Pending Payment — Handle mistaken or same-day voids of pending credit card payments with ease.
  • Thursday, Jan 27, 3pm ET (12pm PT)
    Refund an Existing Credit Card Payment — Use the new "Refund This Payment" action to speed your full or partial refunds.
If you'd like to attend a webinar, please email

Customer Support Schedule

Customer Support will be closed for holidays on the following upcoming dates:

  • Dec 31 — New Year's Eve
  • Jan 17 — Martin Luther King Jr. Day

These dates are also visible on your sign-in screen.

Customer Support is Here for You!

Whether you're a brand-new customer or a seasoned client, you may have questions on how to best utilize ClassJuggler for your business. Our Customer Support Specialists are never more than a phone call or email away.

Give us a call at (866) 214-6128 or email Support hours are Mon–Fri from 8am–5pm PT.

International Clients

Skype chat is available. If you've got questions and would like to speak with someone in person, just email us and we'll arrange a time to connect with you.

Concerns or Questions. Let us know.

If you have questions, need help, or just need a friendly partner to talk with during this difficult time, please feel free to email or call us at our support line. We are working hard to maintain regular support hours during the COVID-19 crisis.