ClassJuggler News — April 2022

Are You Paying Unnecessary Fees?

PCI Compliance is worth the effort!
(Photo by Samson Katt)

If you process credit cards, then you must maintain annual PCI compliance — there are no exceptions to this rule. If you are not PCI Compliant, you could be paying anywhere from $29.95 to $49.95 in penalty fees every month!

No one wants to pay a penalty! All you need to do to avoid unnecessary fees is to become PCI compliant. And you only have to do this once each year!

To verify your compliance status, check your monthly merchant statement by logging into your CardPointe account. To become compliant, you have two options: (1) use our handy online PCI guide to speed your way to self-assessment compliance, or (2) contact ClassJuggler Support to request we help you complete your PCI annual compliance.

Have a Class You’d Like to Suggest to a Customer?

If you have the Customer Portal add-on feature enabled, you'll see a special option on your Class Maintenance page named "Create Class Email Link." You'll find this handy button in the upper-right of the class maintenance screen. This button provides you a convenient way to create an email to a customer that has the details of a selected class you want to send to them.

The email it generates will also contain a link that, when clicked, takes the customer right to your Customer Portal, where the class will be pre-selected for them on the Shop for Classes screen. Neat!

This feature allows for very personal attention for a specific class you may wish to suggest to one of your customers.

Celebrate Earth Day’s 52nd Year this April

Earth is our only home, take care of it

The story of the first Earth Day: On April 22, 1970, Americans marched and demonstrated in the streets for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive rallies across the US.

Those marching were estimated at 20 million people total. They came from 10,000 elementary and high schools, 2,000 colleges, and over 1,000 communities. It is rumored that the date April 22 was chosen because it fell between colleges’ spring breaks and final exams.

Not only did the first Earth Day turn out an impressive amount of people, it also achieved an unusual political alignment. Republicans and Democrats and people from all demographics — union members, farmers, scientists, and politicians — came together on behalf of the environment.

Even more impressive is that all of the organizing was done without emails, cell phones, the internet, or even fax machines! This makes the success of the first Earth Day even more incredible.

Watch and Learn

If you prefer learning by watching video tutorials, rather than reading how to do something new in ClassJuggler, we encourage you to keep an eye on our growing collection of tutorial videos in the ClassJuggler Tutorial Videos section of our YouTube channel. Here are a couple of our favorites:

  • The Staff Time Clock – for Administrators. Learn how to set up and using the Staff Time Clock from an administrator's perspective, including configuring security roles, user records, and approving and reporting on time for your payroll.
  • The Staff Time Clock – for Staff Members. Get a visual walkthrough of the Time Clock for staff members, with examples of logging time, selecting classes and reviewing submitted time.

To make sure you don't miss any new videos, just click the SUBSCRIBE button on YouTube to be notified of the latest tutorial videos.

FREE Webinar Training Series

ClassJuggler offers free online classes and video training to its clients and demo users.

Our selected pre-recorded webinars for April are:

You can watch these videos at your own pace. Feel free to explore all of our tutorial videos.

Customer Support Schedule

Customer Support will be closed for holidays on the following upcoming dates:

  • Apr 22 — Earth Day
  • May 30 — Memorial Day

These dates are also visible on your sign-in screen.

Customer Support is Here for You!

Whether you're a brand-new customer or a seasoned client, you may have questions on how to best utilize ClassJuggler for your business. Our Customer Support Specialists are never more than a phone call or email away.

Give us a call at (866) 214-6128 or email Support hours are Mon–Fri from 8am–5pm PT.

International Clients

Skype chat is available. If you've got questions and would like to speak with someone in person, just email us and we'll arrange a time to connect with you.

Concerns or Questions. Let us know.

If you have questions, need help, or direction, please feel free to email or call us on our toll-free support line.